A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

March 8, 2015

The Crucible at Riverland

Filed under: Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 2:27 pm

The Crucible

A couple weeks ago, I shot show photos for The Crucible at Riverland Community College in Austin, MN. It was written in the 1950s by Arthur Miller and centers on story surrounding the Salem witch trials.

The Crucible

That it was written in the heart of the McCarthyism era is not difficult to see. As with most of my show photo work, I only caught bits and pieces of the dialog, but the symbolism is pretty clear.

The Crucible

The director, Lindsey, mentioned the generally low light level before the rehearsal – and promised the next show would be much brighter! Ha! But lower light levels can mean a lot more interesting and dramatic light, and that was the case for much of this show.

The Crucible

I’m fortunate to have a camera that handles the low light well. Shooting lots of theatre, that is one technical aspect of a camera that I rely on. Especially when shooting a live rehearsal, there aren’t any opportunities to stop and ask for the light to be bumped. Something really more challenging than the level is the mottled light we see sometimes as in the “night” shot above. Faces can go into one of the small dark areas and lose all of the little light that’s there. I’ll usually shoot a few photos and watch for a little movement out of the dark to grab the (hopefully) good shot.

The Crucible

There were other parts of the show in which the lighting was pretty good.

The Crucible

I also didn’t have spots to deal with. There were some hotter areas, but nothing unusual or difficult to handle.

The Crucible

But there were lots of gels – which I like. They help set a mood, which is key for the performance but helps with the still photos, too.

The Crucible

Still, it’s about finding the angles and the compositions that communicate something of the story and something of the feel of what’s happening on stage.

The Crucible

I believe they are now on to rehearsals for their next show. Meanwhile, back here in Rochester, I’ll be heading over to the Civic Theatre to shoot Cabaret this week. It opens Friday – and tickets are going fast! If you make it to opening night, I’ll see you there!

February 1, 2015

Miss Nelson

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre,Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 2:43 pm


Friday was opening night at Rochester Civic Theatre for Miss Nelson is Missing. It’s a family-friendly show based on a children’s book. Most of the actors are teenagers, and I think they have all been involved in the theatre and its various theatre education classes for a while.


They bring a ton of energy to the stage. That, along with the relatively short length, should make it play well to younger audiences. Melissa, who plays the teachers, Miss Nelson and Miss Swamp, has been on the RCT stage several times now, and she plays a teacher in real life. Should be interesting to find out what her students think of the show!


I shot this during the final dress rehearsal before preview, last Wednesday. I settled into the first half which used pretty good general lighting with a few spots where the light drops off. You sort of learn how to deal with that.


But then as the hunt for Miss Nelson commences, we go all low-light! I have my preferred settings – in fact, they’re dialed into one of the custom settings positions on the mode wheel – but a few times I had to bump the ISO even beyond where I like.


And, shooting live, there’s lots of movement. And, with this cast, there’s lots and lots of movement. So, it’s sort of a balancing act between shutter speed and ISO and keeping enough depth of field. Timing can be important. You also just expect you’ll have a little blur here and there, and there will be a few shots that are a background with a haze where a person was.


Sometimes I walk away from a shoot wondering did I get some reasonable shots? Then I scroll through them on the computer and realize, yes, it’s okay. I can relax!


I’ve done my first culling pass, but I have a lot more work to do. I did scan for a handful that I thought highlight the show to pass along to RCT for posting and promotion. And, I grabbed them to put here as well.

The show has only one more weekend to run, so don’t procrastinate!

January 22, 2015

Promo shots

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre,Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 11:32 am


Next up at Rochester Civic Theatre is Miss Nelson is Missing. It’s a show for kids that opens in a week. I’ll be shooting the show at rehearsal next week, but I was there the other evening taking a few fun photos for the theatre to use for marketing.


The Post Bulletin photographer was there as well getting a shot they will use in their story. I believe that will be in the paper’s 507 magazine insert today.


For these promo shots, we usually pose the actors in some way, try to use a bit of the set, and provide a little flavor of the show. We’re shooting under stage lights, so I just dial in my show-photo settings. The only real challenge is the lack of a completed set. These need to be taken well before the show, so costumes and sets are incomplete. There may be many costumes still in the works, but we only need one or two, and don’t necessarily need the whole cast – especially for large casts. The set can really be a work-in-progress. A lot depends on how long before opening we do the promo shots. The focus is on the actors, so the objective is to try to avoid background distractions.

We don’t always do these shoots, but they can be fun – for me and for the actors!

December 31, 2014

Miracle on 34th Street at RCT

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre,Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 3:50 pm


Rochester Civic Theatre’s holiday show this year was The Musical Miracle on 34th Street, a musical adaptation of the classic story adapted by Greg Miller, the RCT artistic director. It was also my last theatre shoot of 2014!


The show followed the well known story with various holiday songs – some familiar and some not so much – sprinkled throughout. It certainly played well for the season and, I believe, all the performances were sold out. And that’s a great thing for the theatre.


I shot this show live, as has become my preference, during the final dress rehearsal. The set was colorful as were many of the costumes. And lighting was pretty much what I expect for most musicals. Some evenly lit scenes, some stronger gels with moodier lighting, and lots of use of the spots. The spots can make the photography more challenging, but it’s what you have to handle if you are shooting a stage performance and especially musicals.


Looking through my shots, I had several I wanted to post. There’s some good variety in the lighting, the angle, the emotion. So, I’ve included a few more than I usually do. I think. I don’t really have a usual.


Ha! Well, no, I don’t usually count, but this felt like more than usual.


But I wanted to make sure I included Fred and Doris and Susan. And Santa, of course. That’s Denny, who’s been on the RCT stage many times, as Santa and, yes, that’s a real white beard.


Lynne was on stage for this performance in the ensemble. So, I’d get regular updates regarding how rehearsals were going.


And how much work was going into the dances. Folks who aren’t intimately connected to musical theatre can only guess how much work is expended to build a show. There are weeks of rehearsals, and most of the players either work or attend school. It’s truly amazing.


And the performance level is consistently top-notch. We really have a talented community in and around Rochester!


I’m happy that I get to be involved in my own way. And try to make some art from their art.


If you read my theatre shoot posts, I probably sound repetitive, but I am looking for angles and shots that help capture – and tell – some of the story being portrayed. When it works, it can be a lot of fun for me.


I’m usually looking for tighter shots, but sometimes you need to include more to get to the story – like the courtroom scene. Or I just want to include some good shots of the big numbers.

I Dance - Tap

Megan, the choreographer for the show, was a model for my I Dance personal photography project a while back. We thought it would be fun to use one of those shots for her “head shot” displayed in the theatre during the show. That didn’t work out, but I can certainly include it here! She did a tap number in RCT’s Chicago production which inspired this shot.

With 2014 coming to a close, I wish all of you a happy, healthy, and creative 2015. Smile and make some art!

October 29, 2014

Fright at the Farm 2014

Filed under: General photography,Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 11:02 am


Once again, Rochester Horror is presenting their Fright at the Farm at the History Center of Olmsted County on West Circle Drive. It seems each year, they expand, now covering most of the barn main and lower levels and lots of the grounds around it.


Each area includes live actors performing as you’re guided from one “set” to the next.

The Pirate

I’ve shot these in the past, and each year I try to find a way to light the scenes while keeping the feel of the scene intact. I tend to use gels to mix with the existing lighting. Unlike stage lighting, these scenes are dimly lit generally, so I’m trying to boost that, get some light on faces and enhance what’s there.

This year, I used two to three speedlites for most of my shots (all off-camera, of course). The skeletal pirate in the cave was one of my favorites. I matched the existing red light in the back with a gel’d speedlite and balanced a bit of CTO gel from the front.


As we were leaving, the misty graveyard with it’s spooky mausoleum was looking pretty cool, so we stopped and shot a few frames. Here, I left the ghost to its own lighting and adjusted the exposure as needed.

They’ll be there one more weekend. It’s a fun way to spend a cool evening!

October 28, 2014

Rent at the Civic

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre,Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 11:35 am


Rochester Civic Theatre opened their 2014-2015 season with a Broadway favorite, RENT. This show has a big following, so there was ample talent on stage. I shot this show once before in Austin at Riverland Community College.

The show seems to demand a high technical level, so the lighting was fairly dramatic for both productions, which certainly benefits me. Ben Hain, who did the lighting for last year’s Les Mis production again tackled the lighting and again gave us an excellent show.


Ben uses some LED lighting which is gaining popularity. It is somewhat more challenging for production photos. I’ve been trying to figure out why, and I think I have a reasonable hypothesis. Unlike tungsten lighting through gels, certain LED colors are very pure. Gels are good, but they’re not perfect, so I believe the spectrum from, say, a blue gel’d light is just not nearly as pure blue as a blue LED. The broader spectrum from tungsten gives our digital sensors a bit more to work with in assembling the image. That’s my guess, anyway.


For me, it’s more a curiosity than a real problem. I know photographers who worry about blue or green or red skin tones in stage or concert images, but I like the effect in general and think it provides more of the flavor and environment of the production. I really don’t want to mess with the lighting design – I want to embrace it instead.

La Vie Boheme

Not all of a show will be lit with colored lighting anyway. With a show like this, we do often have the players in more neutral lighting and background colored to produce a mood.

Group Shot

With a very overtly colored scene, you just have to watch the saturation and maybe dial it down just a tad. I’m trying to produce a faithful representation without the screaming color the camera will sometimes generate.

Phone Calls

I used to shoot RCT’s shows with staged poses. We’d work backward through the show and shoot various scenes the director especially wanted to capture. It’s a method that has its advantages.

Mimi Falls

But as I’ve been shooting lots of shows live, I’ve started doing the same at RCT. In addition to giving us a bit more spontaneity, it’s also tons easier for the cast and crew. I’ll shoot during a rehearsal, so they can just do their thing, ignore me, and not have to show up early one performance night so we can get the photos.

Well, it turns out RENT was doing their dress rehearsals while Lynne and I were in Italy. We had to miss opening night, too, which is unusual for us.


So, it was back to the old ways for this show. But the cast did great in acting for the camera. I think we got a successful set of photographs to document the production.

Next up at the Civic is a musical version of Miracle on 34th Street. For that show, Lynne will be back on stage. It will be fun seeing her doing what she loves!

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