Once again, I was a sponsor and official photographer for the Pond and Garden Tour in and around Rochester. The tour includes some commercial locations, but it is mostly private gardens at homes around the area. The focus is sustainability, so there are several rain gardens included along with more traditional waterfalls with and without ponds.
The gardens range from fairly modest but lovely gardens, often with the soft sound of falling water…
to much more elaborate, extensive gardens covering vast spaces.
And, mostly, there are gardens in between. It’s fun and interesting to photograph, looking for something different or maybe a different angle, or a flower which catches my eye in some way.
Or a racing flock of pink flamingos running out of the woods.
The weather this year was hot – like it’s been since the cold June – and was mostly dry except for a line of storms that blew in and blew out after a half hour or so. I found myself sitting in my car contemplating the pond that was growing around me during the rainfall! Afterward, there were water droplets all over the plants which isn’t bad for photography.
Just due to the timing of the tour, most of the photos were shot with the sun fairly high overhead. We deal with that lighting as best we can. Clouds and drizzle after the storm helped for a while. Then it became hot and the rain added to the humidity. July in Minnesota.
The ponds were interesting. Many are home to some colorful fish and water lilies and other flora.
Statues were more common this year than I remember seeing last year. Many were religious, like Mother Mary in the grotto above or St. Francis or St. Anthony. Some were the small children, or the occasional frog.
I enjoyed the waterfalls. Even fairly small falls produced a nice water sound, which I’d imagine could be soothing to listen to while relaxing on the deck or porch.
There were some gardens on the tour this year which had been on last year’s tour as well. One I particularly liked then, and again this year, forms a labyrinth. It’s well kept, beautiful, and filled with hope and faith. As you can see.