A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

April 1, 2010

Whitewater State Park in March

Filed under: Beautiful Earth,General photography — Tony Drumm @ 5:42 pm

Whitewater State Park (click for more photos)

We had a long winter with only a few days above freezing causing our snow from December 1 to last into March. Then, the skies dried up, the temperature warmed, and we had our first recorded March with no snow. Yesterday, the thermometer hit the 70s, so Lynne and I headed out to Whitewater State Park in the S2000. Top down, of course.

We didn’t hike, really, more strolled. I had my new camera along, fresh back from Canon service (another story), so I took a few photos. I love green and warmth and life. The lingering browns of winter don’t speak to me very loudly. But there were bits of green life springing forth here and there. There was the little waterfall testing how well I could hand-hold a slow shutter speed. There was the texture of the tree bark which changes little through the seasons. And, there was Lynne – always a great subject for me!

March 27, 2010

Photoshop CS5

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 11:07 am

I’ve had an opportunity to beta test Adobe’s Photoshop CS5. The big announcement is coming April 12, but they’ve given the testers the go-ahead to publicly say we are testing it and to show some images, but we aren’t allowed to actually describe the new features until the announcement.

Above is an image I took a few years ago in Rocky Mountain National Park, a terrific location for landscape photography. But, if you don’t venture very far from the roads and paths, you will encounter other visitors. You might want to show other folks in some photos, but often, the view would be nicer cleaned up, as it were.

Here’s a section from the original shot.

I wanted the focus to be the mountain and the lake, not the fishermen. And what’s that stuff in the trees to the left? There’s something rather distracting near the fence, too. Using PS CS5, it took me about four minutes to reduce the distractions and change the photo to be closer to my original vision – what I was seeing when I took the photo.

This is what Photoshop is all about. Spending as little time as possible to make your photos match your vision. It’s also why I use Lightroom since many photos can be quickly developed there. But sometimes you need the sophistication and capabilities that Photoshop provides. After 20 years, it’s good to see Adobe still pushing Photoshop forward.

March 20, 2010

Offsite Backup

Filed under: Computer topics,General photography — Tony Drumm @ 9:51 am

Backing up your library of photos is essential (assuming you care about them, of course). I’ve lost count of the number of hard disks I’ve had go bad over the years. And, by the way, if you hear groaning noises coming from your computer, find the cause ASAP. A drive that’s warning you it’s about to die should be acknowledged and thanked. Yes, personal experience speaking here.

I’ve been pretty happy with my backup strategy, especially for photos. But the one worry I had was dealing with a catastrophe – fire, flood, tornado. Once everyone is safe, we can replace most everything, but not all. Some articles have sentimental value and some exist only in our homes. Photos are in that category. We might post some to Flikr or Facebook, or have galleries in Picassa. But, especially for those of us with more than a passing interest in photography, we want to save our RAW images or our original JPEGs in their full, unaltered form. Essentially, these are our digital negatives.

What to do? There are online repositories, for sure. One I’ve seen commonly referenced is Dropbox. This is a nice example. They have clients for many platforms including the iPhone, and will give you up to 2 GB free. There’s the rub, though. You see, I could back up many files – documents, tax records, all sorts of stuff – in 2 GB. But photos? Hey, I use 8 GB flash cards in my camera for a single shoot. Okay, maybe I can pay something and get more.

Ah, yes – I can get 50 GB for 10 bucks a month. Hm. Yeah, that would cover some of my photos. No, no, no – we’re going down the wrong path here. Photos just consume bytes of data way too quickly. What to do?

I was on the NAPP forums one day (a great benefit of membership in the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, BTW) and someone, I can’t remember who, suggested checking out Windows Live Sync. This is a totally different animal. It is a peer-to-peer system for synchronizing files among a set of computers. These could be computers in your home, or your desktop at home and your laptop in a hotel, or – here it is – your computer in your home and your friend’s computer somewhere else!

The host on Microsoft’s side is only keeping track of the folder structure and file names. All the data is moved from computer A to computer B directly. If you’re at home, synchronizing two computers, they can talk on your home LAN and move data very quickly. If they have to talk across the internet, it will take longer, perhaps much longer. But it won’t be slower than uploading the data to any cloud-based repository. Did I mention this is free?

Microsoft has clients for Windows XP and above and for Mac. Sorry, no iPhone and no Linux. The setup is pretty simple. Most of it is done through a web site which also means you can be almost anywhere and make changes, add new folders, or change permissions as long as the computer you want to interact with is turned on. Well, you can make some changes even if it’s off. You can give your computers full access to read and write (a true sync), and you can give other people permission to access your data, too, on a folder by folder basis. The only requirement is everyone needs to have a Windows Live id.

Here’s what we did. We each created a folder to hold copies of the files we wanted to protect. I use a program called SyncBackSE to automatically copy the photo files I care about to this folder. This lets me choose what I care about saving and what I don’t, and it keeps the process one level away from my main folders. I gave my friend read-only permission to this folder. On his computer, he designates a corresponding folder, and tells Windows Live Sync to synchronize my folder to this folder. Live Sync has two options, Automatic and On-demand. The latter means it copies the file when you ask for it. I use that for my laptop, but what you want here is automatic so it copies right away.

Now, if we didn’t both have our computers running all the time, the syncing would occur whenever they happened to be on at the same time. Setting this up the first time, it is going to take a while to copy the files, so it’s best to leave the computers running until all files have transferred.

I consider Live Sync the best Microsoft technology that no one knows about. It’s providing my friend, Joe, and me a pretty painless way to keep backups of important data 1000 miles away. Whether you try it or not, do something to protect your data starting with a simple backup to an external drive or something comparable.

March 17, 2010

Kauai Part 3 – DLWS

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 5:45 pm

While we were in Kauai last March, I attended one of Moose Peterson’s Digital Landscape Workshops (DLWS). See the link in my list on the right.

This was an opportunity to shoot along with four terrific photographers: Moose, Laurie Excell, Kevin Dobler (all three wildlife photographers), and Joe McNally (a photographer of people). My hope was to try to absorb as much as I could about the art of photography from these renowned experts in the craft. The mix of personalities and vision among the four was remarkable. I can’t speak for the other attendees, but it truly opened my eyes and had my head spinning for at least a month.

The workshop covered Sunday afternoon until late Wednesday, and we really were going almost nonstop. Morning and evening shoots, midday in a classroom working with Photoshop (when the light is poor), and most evenings in the classroom, too.

I already was very comfortable with post-processing in Photoshop, so I wasn’t buried in the how’s of what they did with it, but I could focus on the why’s. I think several folks in the group were working to keep up with the how part even though the lessons were quite good. But Photoshop is just complex.

At each shoot, Joe would set up his speedlights and demo how to use artificial lighting outdoors while making the light blend with the ambient light. He’s a true master at this and a great teacher. I have a totally different mindset for flash now.

The others would take us through photos they took during the shooting sessions, talk about what they were thinking as they snapped the shutter and how to enhance the image in post to pull the viewer in. A lot of this you learn from doing, from reading, from examining great photos. But there’s something different in watching as the photographer makes the changes, discusses the reasoning, explains the thought process – and answers your questions. I’m a visual learner, so this was ideal for me.

Is it worth the price? For me, absolutely. Would I do it again? Certainly. Is Kauai a good location for a photo workshop? I can’t think of a better one. Lynne was happy to be near the ocean. I was happy to be near the mountains. It was a bit rainy, and even after the workshop, I didn’t really come back with much of a tan. But my head was filled with images I’ll not forget and a new enthusiasm for my art. What more can you ask of a “vacation?”

March 13, 2010

Attending a party

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 12:24 pm

Camera or no camera? When attending a party as a simple party-goer, this thought usually goes through my head. I love taking photos, but sometimes I just don’t want to drag the DSLR along, or the flash. I guess it depends on my mood. And I’ve thought about purchasing a small point-and-shoot for such occasions, but it’s becoming harder and harder for me to give up the control.

That means when I start looking at PS cameras, I end up considering something like the Canon G11 which has oodles of control and will shoot in RAW mode. But, it’s not exactly tiny. The other problem is flash. Even when I pare down my gear and use that horrible on-camera position for my flash, a good speedlite lets me aim it all around, add some amber gels to match the tungsten light, and blast it off a wall. So a shot like this one doesn’t need to look like I was using on-camera flash.

Camera or no camera. This time, Lynne asked, “are you taking your camera?” That was enough of a prompt; yes, I’ll go grab it. I’m glad I did. It was fun to catch some fun moments at Jeff’s 40th, and I now have some nice shots to share with him. When it comes down to it, I shoot for me, because I enjoy it, and I’m working always to improve, to strive to someday reach that unconscious competence Rick Sammon speaks of. But a large part of the fun is sharing my work with others.

Tonight, I’m off to the theatre to shoot the show photos for Gypsy. Yes, I’ll have my camera, and I’m looking forward to it!

March 8, 2010

Kauai Part 2 – Catamaran tour

Filed under: Beautiful Earth,General photography — Tony Drumm @ 6:55 pm

Humpbacks!(click for more photos)

 We really didn’t just do a bunch of tours on Kauai, even though my posts may lead you to that conclusion! On our first visit to the garden island, we wanted to do a catamaran tour to the Na Pali coast. After all, Lynne didn’t accompany me on the helicopter ride then, and the only ways to see Na Pali are by air or boat, or to hoof it several miles along a trail. But we waited until we were there on the island and found that all the tours were booked.

This time, we planned ahead and made arrangements well before our trip. We decided on Captain Andy’s based on their web site, various reviews, and that they set out from southern Kauai. In fact, their port is nearly in the same place as the Port Allen airport used by Inter-Island Helicopters.

We arrived at their facility well ahead of the time they recommended. It was sort of a drizzly morning, like many others during our visit. March is still the “winter” season in Hawaii which generally means fairly high surf especially on the northern shores. This day was no exception. If I remember right, the reported surf was something just shy of 20 feet, but here on the south side of Kauai, the surf was quite mild. As we checked in, they informed us of their decision. The surf was too high near Na Pali, so we were going to have a cruise on the south.

Many of the passengers were bummed and opted out of the trip. But, like our helicopter tour, this is a captain’s decision when confronting Mother Nature. She deserves respect. We were happy that Lynne had now seen Na Pali a couple days earlier, and the sailing adventure still sounded like fun. Indeed it would be.

We ended up with 17 passengers on a boat that could take 40. A nice start for us. As we left port, we were greeted by porpoises before we were out of the bay. As we left the bay, a huge manta ray swam just off the side of the boat. This was going to be an interesting cruise.

Before our trip, I did some internet research to find out when the humpback whales are in Hawaii. I was wondering if we would happen to be there when they were, before they head off to summer in Alaska. We were excited to find out that, yes, they are in Hawaii in March. Maybe we’d see some from a boat?

It wasn’t long before someone spotted a spout. Soon, there were breaching whales. We had a mother and calf nearby for quite a while. I was able to snap a few shots, although I wish I had more than a 200mm lens. After a bit, we had a whale swim right up to the boat. The white (or light grey) underside of the whale would shine green in the water below the boat. It was incredible!

We sailed east and found an area to snorkel. There, we encountered a large sea turtle, and we were swimming along side it until it got bored with us and dove out of sight. The water was cold, but it was still a great experience. As we made our way back to port, there were breaching and spouting whales all around us. Did I say it was incredible? We kept thinking of the folks who decided to cancel. They missed quite an experience. The crew kept insisting, no, this isn’t typical! They truly seemed as excited as us.

I guess the lesson is: take what life brings. Disappointment is a point of view. If you book a flying or sailing adventure, be ready for anything. And, if your captain or pilot decides to put safety ahead of entertainment, be respectful and grateful, and move on. You never know what lies just around the corner.

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