A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

March 11, 2011

Back to the Future

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 7:55 pm

We’ve been working through our old slides doing the editing we should have done years ago and sending the keepers off to be scanned. One set has been sent, scanned, and returned. Many more yellow boxes remain. As much as I like to think I have an eye for photography, I know Lynne has one, too. I’ve studied photography for many years and continue to do so, but Lynne’s ability is innate. I’m in the shot above, one Lynne took as we raised the mast of a friend’s sailboat some time in the early 1980s. The composition was totally spontaneous – it just was there for the taking. But Lynne managed to see it, frame it, and take it. It’s one of my favorites of all her shots. And it’s fun to revisit these photos and the memories that surround them.

I see other shots that remind me of the other interests and activities that I’ve pursued. Who I was and who I am. Flying was something I loved and shared with my family. So taking a set-up shot like this was bound to happen some time, with my daughter pretending to be pilot. I thought having the sectional chart laid out in her lap added a nice touch.


I also look back at some of my favorite shots and evaluate my photography skills. I’ve grown – a lot – since then. But, I’m happy to see shots I still consider pretty good. Given the equipment of the time, my budget, and so on, I think I did okay. I’ve always loved catching people in the moment, just enjoying life. Unaware or at least ignoring the camera. Posed shots can be great, but there’s something special about finding and shooting these moments.

Our children make terrific subjects. Kids, especially young children, don’t really care about cameras. Don’t care about a lot of things. We can catch them just being themselves, and these shots make fantastic memories. Sigh – my little girl just celebrated her 30th birthday. If you have young children, don’t let this time slip away without a few photos. Digging through them has been a great experience.

Then, I find shots like this and remember what I did with it back in the day. Having a color darkroom was fun, but it was also a great learning experience. I learned about primary and complementary colors, about dodging and burning, about how one could take the image from a camera and make it into something entirely different.

What we think of as photoshopping an image, you see, is not something new. It’s easier today, and we have Ctrl-Z to undo, but there was a ton of artistic license available for those who sought it out before there were personal computers or digital imaging. When I found the cartwheel image, I remembered what I had done in the darkroom. The color and motion struck me, so I built a composite image like you see here.

I don’t know what became of that print, so I’ve duplicated it here using Photoshop. I’m not all that certain that what I did in Photoshop was entirely easier than what I did for my Cibachrome print. But, I could see what I was doing which wasn’t the case printing on photo paper. And I didn’t have to wait for the processing – which took place inside a drum (no darkroom lights allowed when doing color). The end result was not much different than you see here, though.

I like that. I like not only knowing this was possible back then but knowing I did it. I won a first place award at a local photography contest for a print I made using compositing techniques. Not all photography-based art happens in the camera. It’s true today, and it was true 30 years ago. I suspect, it was true since the dawn of photography. And that’s not just okay, it’s terrific. Art unbounded.

March 5, 2011

Yosemite in Winter

Filed under: Beautiful Earth,General photography — Tony Drumm @ 7:06 pm

I had the great fortune to visit Yosemite National Park in California in January. I enjoy our great national parks, but this was my first visit to Yosemite. Walking in the footsteps of John Muir, seeing this fabulous valley, and turning my camera on this beauty to try capturing some of the awe I felt was amazing.

I was there to attend the first session of Moose Peterson’s final season of Digital Landscape Workshop Series. Moose is an incredible wildlife photographer who’s landscape shots are also breathtaking. He has a few friends who aren’t too shabby, like Joe McNally, who attend DLWS as instructors. For this event, Joe wasn’t available and RC Concepcion filled in. I’ve known RC from his work at Kelby Media (Kelby Training, NAPP, Photoshop User TV, etc.), and I sort of met him at Photoshop World in September. But he is a hoot to hang around, especially when you both have cameras.

Also filling the instructor ranks was Kevin Dobler. I met Kevin and Moose in Hawaii two years ago along with Joe and Laurie Excell, when I attended the DLWS in Kauai. That event provided me a huge photography boost just from the inspiration and photo zen. I absorbed something there, for sure, so having a chance to attend another DLWS, this time at a park I’ve wanted to visit for years, was great. I had forgotten Kevin is a pilot and works for Cessna. He recently flew to Yellowstone and captured some amazing in-flight shots which he shared with us.

But we were there to shoot the scenery in Yosemite. It doesn’t hurt that this is essentially Moose’s backyard. He lives nearby in the Sierras and knows this area – and its history – inside and out. We stayed in the lodge that’s right in the park. You walk out of your room and look around and think, “this is not real – it can’t be.” There’s Half Dome nearby, and you can see Yosemite Falls from the doorways of many of the rooms. My room faced south, so I had to take a few steps to see the falls.

You never know what to expect in the mountains in January. There had been some large storms in December, but it was dry during my stay. The earlier snowfall provided lots of good moisture to feed the waterfalls around the valley, though. We also happened to be there during the full moon. I’m sure that factored into the schedule. We had a fun moonlight shoot, and we later watched the moon rise from Tunnel View.

From there, you have a beautiful view of El Capitan and Half Dome. As the moon rose and I snapped away, I suddenly noticed the color. It was staggering. I’m not sure I’ve seen such a magenta sky, and there it was all around the rising moon. This and many other shots might make great black and white photos. I think of the work of Ansel Adams whose Yosemite photos have become iconic. But the colors. How could I rob my photos of the colors on display?

There was the cool blue of the moonlight shots. There was the magenta sky, and the bright red that pulls your eye to Moose Peterson, standing in the meadow. And there was a rainbow in the morning sun nearly surrounding the upper Yosemite Falls as the wind whipped the water into a great mist.

Yes, I have some nice black and whites with the textures of thousands of years of erosion on ancient granite born deep under the crust of the earth. But it’s the colors that I witnessed and captured that I’ll remember. And those colors I’ve chosen – for now at least – to preserve in the majority of my photographs.

January 27, 2011

Telling a Story

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 5:57 pm

Moose Peterson says our photographs should tell a story. Certainly, compelling photos grab us and say something. They tell us about someone, or a time, or a place. Or, in Moose’s case, very likely about a critter.

For the photographer, this often begins ahead of a shoot. What is the story? How am I going to tell it? How do I need to light it or how do I use the lighting that exists? What lens? What angle? Other situations don’t allow lengthy pre-planning, but at the shoot ideas and possibilities arise.

The approach may vary widely with the subject. Telling the story of a bride and groom is different than telling the story of an incredible vista as the moon slowly rises.

For me, the story needs to be fresh. Perhaps it’s the same story I’ve read or seen before but told in a new way. This is not a concept unique to photography. We seek out and enjoy retellings – the Wizard of Oz told from the perspective of the Wicked Witch of the West, for instance.

This can be a struggle when photographing iconic subjects especially static subjects. A waterfall is ever changing as is the ocean. A rock? Not so much. Indeed, the most compelling images of many natural or man-made structures often involve the ever-changing aspects of nature. A storm. Clouds. Fog. The moon.

So it was that I ventured into the Presidio in San Francisco. Although I’ve been to the city a few times and have crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, I’ve never been to the Presidio or the fort at the base of the beautiful bridge. That locale and the prominade offer stunning views of the bridge. It’s a wonder to behold, truly. As the sun drew low in the late afternoon, I knew at least the light was on my side.

Yet, there it is. A splendor which has been photographed how many times? Millions? How could I tell a story different from those countless others. I moved around, took many snaps. At least I’d have a nice collection of beautiful images of the bridge for myself. Find different interesting, maybe less common angles. Different foreground features that maybe show the bridge differently.

As I walked around looking for different vantage points, there it was – a huge cargo ship entering the bay below the bridge. I quickly shot a couple photos then saw the lettering on the ship. Now, I’m not in the best position and my shots are not what I want, and the ship is quickly making its way forward. I run.

I run, I look, I shoot, I run some more. I find the right spot and hit the go button.

Shipments enter the Golden Gate from China

Sometimes, you find the story. Sometimes, the story finds you. When that happens, you need to be ready. You need to act quickly, instinctively. Know what it needs to say and how to wrap a photograph around the story that’s there. At the end of the day, I was pleased. Did I have an image that tells a story? For sure. Perhaps it tells each viewer a different story, but that’s okay.

January 2, 2011

Normal snaps

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 3:38 pm

As we headed out for New Years Eve, Lynne asked if I was taking my camera or going naked (or something like that). Yes, I’m taking my camera. Oh, not your little one (i.e. the S90). No, but I’m going light. No flash, and I’m taking just my little 50mm lens.

Way back when I started playing with SLR cameras, the kit lens was a fixed-focal-length, normal lens. Zoom lenses are compromises, more so than fixed-length lenses. In the ’70s, affordable zooms were not particularly great. There were no $100 kit zooms like we have today, so most folks who had one lens, had the normal lens, usually a 50mm f/1.8. I think the proliferation of those lenses helped make the design pretty decent and the cost low. Those lenses remain inexpensive today.

The term normal denotes a lens with a focal length approximately the same size as the diameter of the image it produces at its focal point. It produces a look that’s similar, more or less, to what we see. For a 35mm camera, that would be about 43mm, so a 50mm is certainly in that range. (The other designations would be wide for a shorter lens and telephoto for a longer lens.)

My 50mm lens is Canon’s f/1.4 version. It’s a nice lens, a bit brighter and better constructed than the f/1.8 lens, and hugely cheaper than the f/1.2. The latter is one of their L series lenses and you pay a lot for that extra f-stop.

The 50mm lens some very nice qualities. It’s pretty small and quite light. And, at an f/1.4 maximum aperture, it’s a full three stops faster than my 24-105 zoom. This produces the fabulous shallow depth of field to pull a subject out of the background, and it lets me shoot in pretty low light at a reasonable shutter speed.

It doesn’t have the flexibility of a zoom, but that flexibility is sometimes a distraction and often a crutch. With a fixed-length lens, you zoom with your feet. You concentrate on composition, on depth of field, on other aspects of picture-taking. It’s really a good exercise. And it takes me back to that earlier time in my photographic journey when 50mm was the only lens I owned.

As I’ve upgraded my digital cameras over the years, each new one performs better in low light. It’s actually been hard to trust that an ISO of 1600 or 3200 will produce useful images. But the 5D MkII does this well. Since DLWS in Kauai in 2009 and trying to absorb what Joe McNally had to offer, I’ve become rather hooked on having a ton of control over light. Using a flash or a reflector, I can put the light where I want, blend it with the ambient light, and produce the shot I want. Going flash-free (and reflector-free), that’s not the case.

But photographing is about seeing and working with light whether it’s light you’re producing or light that’s just there. Using ambient light can be easier – one less thing to worry about – or just as challenging. Looking at the light sources around you, deciding where to be, how to use that light in the best way.

On New Years day, we attended Marann’s birthday bash. I had fun the night before with the simple set-up, so I grabbed the camera and lens again as we headed out the door. This party included a live band with some small stage lights providing a lot of the illumination. Those lights helped especially at the nearby tables.

A common problem with ambient light photos of people is “raccoon eyes” – the eyes surrounded by the dark shadows of the brow ridge. But with the right angle and the light cooperating a bit, a shot like this is possible. A fast, bright lens and high ISO helps. It also helps having a pair of subjects that pretty much light up the camera regardless of the lighting.

The stage lights were reasonably bright, but much of the room was fairly dark. I was using a bit slower shutter speed than I’d like to, but when you take plenty of shots, there will be keepers. If one or two of those capture expressions like Melissa’s, you smile and enjoy your success.

But, I was there for the party and to help Marann celebrate an extraordinary 50 years on the planet. If I could capture one or two moments that help us – and her – remember the evening, that’s just icing on the birthday cake.

December 2, 2010

Green screen fun

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 6:14 pm

My friend and neighbor Jeff had the grand idea to put together a cool panorama shot showing all the members of the John Marshall High School girls’ basketball team. His daughter is on the team, and I think he enjoys photo editing and the challenge this would entail.

Jeff stopped by a few weeks ago to talk over the concept and pick my brain for hints. He had someone lined up to take the shots, then Jeff would do the photo editing to extract the girls and insert them into the pano over a background. He already had a good start on the background, and he had some nice posters of the U of Mn team to serve as an example. I gave him some ideas and showed him some details on the university’s poster that could have been done better.

A bit later, Jeff asked if I would mind doing the shoot. No, I didn’t mind. I thought my green screen backdrop would help with the extraction, and I used a couple speedlites to light the affair. It was a fun, if high energy, shoot, and the girls were great. I connected my camera to my laptop and shot tethered to Lightroom. This helped the girls review their poses, sometimes leading to trying a different look.

For the shot above, we thought having the ball in mid-flight would be cool, but it was easier said than done. The big problem was the carpet below the green backdrop. The ball just wouldn’t bounce, so timing the exposure was tough. We tried several times with little tweaks, but not so good.

But, Jeff’s going to be extracting the girls from the background anyway. Why try to do it all live? Without the ball, we could concentrate on a good pose. This one does the trick. Now we need a good shot of the ball.


Jeff obliged. I had him hold the ball with a minimum finger overlap toward the camera to make for an easy extraction. This shot was just what the doctor ordered.

After the shoot, I did some quick clean-up and color balancing in Lightroom then exported full res JPEGs for Jeff to use. The 5D MkII files are huge, my laptop isn’t the fastest on the block, so this took a while. But that gave us time to tear down the setup and drink a bit of my payment.

Back at home, I just had to play with a couple of the images myself. Looking at the shots above, you can see one of the problems with shooting against a green screen. Unless you have tons of room and very careful lighting, there’s always some green spillover onto the subject. But Photoshop has plenty of tools to help with both the extraction and the cleanup.

The ball-in-flight shot looked to be the most challenging, so that’s the one I decided to tackle. Extracted the two images, created a simple, if cheesy, background. Then set about adding some flair. Cleaned the green contamination, added reflections, a bit of shadow (two lights, two shadows). What to do about the ball?

It was just too static. In fact, had I shot it truly in flight with the strobes, it would generally be tack sharp. The strobes stop the movement. I could have pushed the shutter speed, if there was sufficient ambient light, and show some motion. But I wanted something more realistic.

I ended up adding a touch of  motion blur. This helps but needed to be masked or erased a bit to give the ball direction. Otherwise, motion blur makes it look like it’s vibrating.

This is the image I ended up with. There’s probably more I could do, but I think I’ll stop here. For now.

November 21, 2010

Haunted House

Filed under: General photography,Rochester — Tony Drumm @ 10:49 am

Different folks enjoy different holidays. The Galaty’s enjoy Halloween. Each year, they spend countless time and effort converting their home into a haunted house. I’m talking about most of their home. At a party there early this year, we had a tour of the house. In several places, the discussion was something like, “this is for the haunted house,” or “we will use this room for the haunted house this year.” That was last winter. Planning is basically a year-round activity.

They now even have a web site for the event. Part of the proceeds this year went to support Rochester Water Ski Shows which had heavy losses during the recent flooding.

As I mentioned in my last post about the drive-through Halloween event, shooting in darkly lit places and conveying a spooky mood require some thinking about lighting. The haunted house had lots of moody lighting already, although it was pretty dim as you’d expect. If you look at the background in the top photo, behind our greeter, you can see some of the red light that filled the room with the casket.

I decided to bring along my strobe attached to the camera via a cord. That let me aim it wherever I wanted. And I added a deep blue gel to keep a cool, nighttime undertone to the shots. I had to be careful not to overly compete with the great colored lighting already there, but sometimes my blue is the most noticable light. However, I think it still matches the scenes, conveys the feelings, but is just a bit different than the live experience. If I have to compromise, I want to compromise artistically, I guess.


Groups of visitors were guided through the haunted house. Each room had a different theme. The clown room must have been designed with my son in mind. He always hated clowns as a kid!

Both of the Galatys are fitness nuts, so it’s no surprise to find a room filled with fitness equipment. Apparently, some exercisers have been at it too long.

Black lights were used in various parts of the house. Mixing with other lights and my blue flash, the images I captured are almost surreal. They looked pretty cool in person, but the photos are amazing. I had someone ask about this image wondering what work I’d done in Photoshop. Turns out, no pixels were harmed to produce this image. It’s basically what came from my camera.

There were quite a number of actors helping throughout the tour. The costumes and makeup were great.

I particularly enjoyed this zombie boy as he crawled across the floor. Here you can see my blue flash providing just enough light to brighten his face. I would often fire the flash down or behind me to achieve the balance I wanted.

There were some rooms in which the group was treated to a brief performance such as this room with an electric chair. You can imagine what was shown. Special effects, especially smoke, were used throughout the house.

This kitchen was well stocked, although the cook was a tad ragged.

The tour ends downstairs at the back of the house, and other props such as cemetary and the Galaty’s new hearse provide more for visitors to enjoy as they walk back around the house. As I left, I was struck by all the work they put into this production and the dedication of the folks who helped make it happen. Walking back around the front of the house, the line had grown substantially since we arrived – we came early.

In one night, I shot two Halloween events. Although they had the same scary theme, they were vastly different in so many ways. As a photographer, it’s this variety that keeps me shooting. It’s not just the desire to grab a few good images but the planning and exploration of light and lighting that make it fun. When I’m all done, I look at the photos and consider whether I achieved what I set out to do. Do they match the pictures I had in my head before the shoot began?

That’s the final test. I’m happy with the results making it a good night of shooting.

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