Yesterday, I completed shooting most of the photos I need for the new season posters. There’s one more object to shoot. Hopefully, I’ll do that this week. Above are some shots I used last year for the Funny Money poster showing how I mix photographic elements to get the look I’m after.
That poster was probably my favorite to construct. As nice as I think it looks on the big poster and in small glossy prints, printing it on Entrada gives it a whole different look. I have an 8×10 copy hanging in my office here.
At this point, the new season works-in-progress have more of a photo look than what we did last year. We have to balance that with a form that will print well in black and white for newspaper ads, but I do like the ability to really play with the light, not just the shapes. Deadlines loom, but it will be nice to see how they evolve and then share them publicly, once the season is announced!