Life presents us many challenges. It’s part of the deal we accepted when we took our first breath. There must have been an agreement saying, “By opening your mouth and allowing this air into your lungs, you agree to the following terms and conditions…” I don’t remember it, though.
The disasters we see on TV and now on the internet remind us that our world can be turned upside down in an instant. We hope that never happens to us. But even avoiding big disasters doesn’t mean it’s smooth sailing for a lifetime. It never is.
We read about home fires and the destruction that can follow. Even smaller fires can leave a home with smoke and water damage some of which may be unrecoverable. Some fires reduce a lifetime of possessions to ash. As a photographer and a nut about photographs, I wonder how I’d cope with such a loss. There are many things that can be replaced, but there are photographs and other special memories tied to things so easily consumed by flames.
When I heard Sam and Tyler’s friends were planning a benefit show at RCTC for them, I was hoping there would be a way I could contribute in some way. I had an opportunity to take some photos and jumped at the chance.
Many of the players are folks I know from RCT or from shows Lynne has been in elsewhere. I came down for the rehearsal and thought it might be fun to take some shots then. There is a different feeling to a rehearsal than for the real performance, especially for a show like this. It’s a little looser and relaxed, people feeling out what they are going to do, the blocking, the lighting.
Some bits still are not quite memorized, so scripts are out. But the energy is still there and actors act. And, I think everyone there knew it was important. Perhaps most important was being there, being part of the production, and supporting their friends.
Attending the rehearsal was useful for me besides just capturing a few images of a work in progress. I could see the lighting, figure out what sort of exposure I was dealing with, and have my camera ready for the evening show.
It was also an excuse to take some photos, too. Sometimes I need motivation. I need a reason to shoot. While I like shooting just for me, it’s also nice to know there are going to be shots I’ll like, photos I’ll share, even before I pick up the camera. For an event like this, that’s always the case.
The final number was going to be a big group song sung directly to the couple. More support in a big way with lots of love. I felt that camaraderie, friendship, and energy even during a run through of the song around the piano. I took several shots and all of them convey some of this. It would be hard to not capture that feeling.
During the evening performance, I watched Sam and Tyler and grabbed some photos of their reactions. Most were not great with the light so low in the audience. But I kept at it, stayed patient, and knew the time would come. When Jerry and Greg did their improv act, the lights came up, the laughs began, and I had my shot.
We so often like to say, “I know how you feel.” But, of course, we don’t. I guess I’d have to say, I can’t imagine how this feels. But I think, for that night, they felt the love and concern of many friends giving something special of themselves. I’m happy to add my tiny contribution to that.