On Saturday after Photoshop World, and after taking in Red Rock Canyon, I decided to wander down (or up?) the strip with my camera. I took a few shots that I like, and they look good. But the strip and the big casinos have, I’m sure, been shot over and over from every which way by all sorts of photographers, many of whom were terrific.
I needed to find something different, a new angle or perspective. The conservatory in the Belagio is great and makes a perfect place to watch people. And people are always different, so that seemed like a good place to start. Oh, the cameras! Everywhere. I started shooting folks shooting.
I also began offering to take photos for couples and others for them to be all-in, for use of an appropriate term. These three young women accepted my offer with smiles. One of them says, “you don’t know what you’ve got yourself into!” As she says this, she and her two friends all reach into their bags for their cameras. Three shots, not one! I’m in no rush, so that’s fine by me. I look around and find a good angle. Then I look at them and say, “okay, you two get closer, oh, and tilt your head this way…” They laughed. I don’t think they expected that, but what can I say. I’m going to give them the best shots I can.
I really wonder if there was anyone there who didn’t have some sort of camera. Probably not. Cell phones were in use. Point-and-shoots. DSLRs. Maybe the real question is, was there anyone there not taking pictures? I don’t think so.
There were clicks and flashes happening all around.
After spending some time there, I walked back outside to the 108F sunnshine still thinking about finding my perspective in this busy place. Then I saw this reflection. Reflections! Yes – one of my favorite subjects (see my entry about the photowalk in July). There were indeed many reflections to take in and to photograph.
The Pink Jeep guide for the Red Rock Canyon tour told me the unofficial state bird of Nevada was the construction crane. So this photo was perfect. Of course, I related to her our state bird in Minnesota, the mosquitto.
I didn’t see many street performers which is a bit surprising in a city the size of Las Vegas and with the large number of tourists. But I ran into this fellow who gave me a great smile as I dropped down to take his picture. I started this post with people-shots, so it seems appropriate to end the same way.
I thanked him and left him a little cash. I’m left with reflections of my own from my trip to Photoshop World. Reflections of the people I met, the great photographers and artists who shared their inspiration and techniques, the vendors who would take time to talk one-on-one, the other attendees as passionate and happy to be there as me.