Last week, Summerset Theatre in Austin put on their second show of the season, The 39 Steps. This is a comedy spoof of the Hitchcock film with only four actors and minimal props and scenery used brilliantly for comedic effect.
Two of the actors, “Clown 1” and “Clown 2,” portray most of the people encountered by the hero, and the lone female cast member plays three roles. Even some of the props get into the act of multiple roles. A door might represent several doors in a single scene.
When I’m shooting, I’m somewhat disengaged from the show – at least the auditory aspects of the show – while I’m working to compose a good photograph. So, I may chuckle now and then during a comedy, but this was way beyond that. It’s just one sight gag after another. There’s this train scene that was hilarious – and it was funny from beginning to end.
Among the cast members was Greg Miller, artistic director at the Rochester Civic Theatre. Greg is a comedy master, so we made sure the RCT regulars knew about the show. Many made it to Austin, and we attended as audience members on Saturday with a large Rochester contingent in the house. All four in the cast were terrific. What a fun show!
Apart from having to occasionally brace myself to keep the camera from shaking while I laughed, most of the show was lit reasonably well. A comedy like this one, filled with tons of physical humor and action, presents some of the same challenges as a musical. So, managing shutter speed and trying to catch action at peaks is most important.
A little motion blur will slip in from time to time. That can be okay. You just try to keep it under control especially where you need a little more depth of field to capture the shot you want.
Then, after loading the photos all into Lightroom, you start to relive some of the moments and laugh out loud again.
Next up at Summerset is their final production for this season, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. RCT did that show several years ago, so this will be my second time shooting it.
There, we have a musical and a comedy, so it will be a fun and demanding shoot.
Next summer, RCT will be ending their eight-show season with The 39 Steps. There are some comedies that lose something in the second (or third) viewing. Others are funny over and over. I’m thinking this show is of the latter variety – to me at least. And the local audience who didn’t make it out to the Summerset production will be in for a treat!