The Rochester International Association held their 35th World Festival Cultural Program on April 9. Lynne had been asked to join a group singing We Are the World, and she was asked if I’d be willing to come and videotape the program. Sure! I managed to grab a few still shots while the video was rolling, but I can’t just leave the video on a wide shot. If I’m going to shoot video, I need to devote my attention to it. So, the Caledonian Pipe Band above was one of the few acts I shot as a still.
Of course, you can capture a still shot from the video, although it isn’t going to in any way compare to what my 5D will do! Here’s a shot I grabbed to use for the DVD menu and on the label.
I left it cropped wide to show the flags. But it’s an incredibly cute shot, I think, in spite of being low-res. I did manage to shoot a handful of stills of the Rochester Area Singers, the group including Lynne. Here is one of those shots with Lynne front and just-left-of center!
For anyone interested, I have DVDs of the event for sale for $10 plus tax. A bargain, believe me! Use the Contact Tony page to let me know if you’re interested. Hopefully, it’s working okay now (see the previous post)!