I’ve been away from the blog for a little while! I guess I’ve been busy and the holiday provided a good break, too. But I started off the new year by traveling to Phoenix, AZ for PPA’s annual convention, Imaging USA.
I signed up for one of the many pre-conference sessions. It was a day out shooting in the desert with Bob Coates, a noted photographer who happens to live nearby. PPA has a host of awards one can earn – the set of pins you see on the lanyard around Bob’s neck represent a ton of work and demonstrate his knowledge and commitment to the art.
The instructional part of the day concerned shooting in bright sun more or less in the middle of the day. Even when you’re reasonably comfortable in such situations, attending a class like this provides plenty of new tips and ideas. Some are even just practical, like how a large diffuser can be held more easily by your assistant.
There were models, of course, and this couple were great, even if she has a dress that seriously needs ironing! (Yes, if I was shooting this for real, those would be gone.) I was standing there, mostly watching not really feeling the need to shoot. Then, this idea popped into my head. When I had a chance, I handed the fellow my phone, asked him to hold it to his ear, and asked the young lady to give me a look. I love props.
We hung around until sunset. We were in a large park with some nice scenery, although there were lights and people everywhere. But I got a few shots. There were actually a few clouds earlier, and we thought the sunset might be a bit more dramatic than it was.
The next day, the actual conference began. There were classes in several concurrent sessions in the mornings and early evenings, and the Expo was open in the afternoons. The classes were varied covering techniques, business, and some just providing inspiration. One of my favorite speakers was Joel Grimes whom I’ve seen at Photoshop World. I attended Gregory Heisler’s talk, also. Gregory is a photojournalist with a set of stories that reminded me of Joe McNally. I’d love to get the two together, buy them each a drink, and just listen.
Larry Becker, from Kelby Media, told me RC Concepcion was there (for just the first day). I didn’t see him until the opening party when he was shooting photos for attendees for Canon (the sponsor for the party). He was busy, so we couldn’t talk, but I did say, “hi!”
Photography-related conferences tend to have shooting opportunities. At Imaging USA, they had some sets arranged with models at the opening party. The main conference lasts three days. There were parties two of those evenings with plenty of food at both. Quite a deal.
Kenny Rogers was presented an honorary Master of Photography award at the conference. He’s actually an excellent photographer. He had an hour-long Q&A session in which he discussed some of his photos, many of celebrities and many landscape images. He answered some questions from the audience and was coaxed into singing Happy Birthday to one attendee’s wife. He has some great stories.
There were more models at the closing party as well as a live band. Lighting in the room was really low, so many of the photographers shooting were using speedlights. I didn’t drag mine to the event, but this model was standing near the band. When I saw how the light was falling on her, I thought there might be a photo there.
Other instructors I particularly liked include Bobby Carlsen, Nancy Emmerich, and the Simones. They all had useful information to share. I need to look over my notes and try to internalize what was presented. Two of my favorite Photoshop instructors, Dave Cross and Julieanne Kost, both had sessions. It doesn’t matter how much I use Photoshop, I watch them present and keep thinking, “Oh!”
Now, I’m back from the desert to the snow. Imaging USA was fun and informative. Always learning…