While we were in Kauai last March, I attended one of Moose Peterson’s Digital Landscape Workshops (DLWS). See the link in my list on the right.
This was an opportunity to shoot along with four terrific photographers: Moose, Laurie Excell, Kevin Dobler (all three wildlife photographers), and Joe McNally (a photographer of people). My hope was to try to absorb as much as I could about the art of photography from these renowned experts in the craft. The mix of personalities and vision among the four was remarkable. I can’t speak for the other attendees, but it truly opened my eyes and had my head spinning for at least a month.
The workshop covered Sunday afternoon until late Wednesday, and we really were going almost nonstop. Morning and evening shoots, midday in a classroom working with Photoshop (when the light is poor), and most evenings in the classroom, too.
I already was very comfortable with post-processing in Photoshop, so I wasn’t buried in the how’s of what they did with it, but I could focus on the why’s. I think several folks in the group were working to keep up with the how part even though the lessons were quite good. But Photoshop is just complex.
At each shoot, Joe would set up his speedlights and demo how to use artificial lighting outdoors while making the light blend with the ambient light. He’s a true master at this and a great teacher. I have a totally different mindset for flash now.
The others would take us through photos they took during the shooting sessions, talk about what they were thinking as they snapped the shutter and how to enhance the image in post to pull the viewer in. A lot of this you learn from doing, from reading, from examining great photos. But there’s something different in watching as the photographer makes the changes, discusses the reasoning, explains the thought process – and answers your questions. I’m a visual learner, so this was ideal for me.
Is it worth the price? For me, absolutely. Would I do it again? Certainly. Is Kauai a good location for a photo workshop? I can’t think of a better one. Lynne was happy to be near the ocean. I was happy to be near the mountains. It was a bit rainy, and even after the workshop, I didn’t really come back with much of a tan. But my head was filled with images I’ll not forget and a new enthusiasm for my art. What more can you ask of a “vacation?”