Seems like I’ve had a lot of photos to work on lately. The most important set are from April and Ryan’s wedding a couple weeks ago! I thought I’d share a few fun shots as I’m working through them. The wedding was to be held outdoors. Some say they like to have a plan before a big shoot like this. Others say they go with the flow.
I had some ideas for ceremony shots. And, as of that morning, the forecast showed cool temps but partly cloudy skies. That could work. Although photographers love sunrise and sunset, we really can embrace the light we have and make cool photos if we apply ourselves. Alas. Instead of cool and partly cloudy, it was closer to cold and rainy. Going with the flow was the name of the game!
The ceremony was moved indoors. The guests were much more comfortable than they’d have been outside even without the rain. Lighting was less than ideal, and I’ve grown to dislike using flashes during the ceremony, so we switch to low light settings and go with it.
April’s creative hand was everywhere, not only designing and making her own dress but also the bridesmaids’ and the guys’ vests. Beautiful work. Ryan was in traditional Irish garb. It was fun to see and to shoot.
The skies cleared a bit to allow us to shoot some family and couple photos outdoors. The green of the leaves filled the background and made for some nice shots. It was still cold, and I felt bad for the gals. It was comfortable to me in my suit, and I run pretty warm when I’m shooting anyway.
The back of April’s dress was rather fantastic. I made sure to get a few shots showing it off.
Turnout was splendid, and I think everyone had a great time. It was an honor to be able to photograph the wedding. I’m making good progress in post and hope to show the family more than these few photos soon!