A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

December 8, 2012

White Christmas at Riverland

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 3:37 pm

Last week, I was back to Riverland Community College to photograph their production of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas. I’ve seen and photographed this musical several times now just in the past three years! RCT did this show in 2010 and 2011.

As stories go, it’s not Pulitzer Prize material. I’m not sure if the movie spawned the theatrical production, but I think so. I remember that Bing Crosby first sang White Christmas in the movie Holiday Inn. I thought it had a more interesting story, but many of the shows in that time period were just loosely plotted to move you from one featured song to the next.

RCT did the show twice consecutively because audiences love it. And, I’m sure what they love is the music and dancing.

Shooting the show live, as I do at Riverland, has its challenges. But this time I knew the show really well which helped me anticipate what was coming and where to be. Even though the direction and blocking are different, it’s still the same show after all. I don’t know if that’s the reason, or maybe because it’s just a musical with a lot of big numbers, but I shot a ton of photos. A ton. A whole lot. Thank goodness for digital.

The great photographer Jay Maisel talks of the three important qualities of photograph: Light, Color, and Gesture. In theatre, we certainly have light – sometimes difficult, but sometimes magical. We have color. Some shows are filled with bold color which can make photographs that just jump out at you. This show had a lot Christmas color as you’ll see below. Some shows are monochromatic, usually for a good reason, and that can be just as effective.

But gesture, I think, is the common theme of good theatre shots. It pulls us in and makes us involved in some way with what was happening. Sometimes it makes us smile, sometimes sigh. But it does promote a reaction, and that’s a wonderful thing when you make a still photo.

For the set in this post, I tried to select shots that demonstrate gesture, at least my version of it. There was plenty of action, so I had a lot from which to choose. But it’s not just about movement. I think of gesture as movement with meaning. Or, as in the photo above, perhaps the gesture of being still with movement about to be.

Sometimes, it’s a reaction that draws me. I’m continuously amazed at the ability of actors to react and express emotion honestly, realistically. It’s a gift and talent, and it’s fun to watch.

It was a fun shoot. I was there for the final dress rehearsal. It runs through tomorrow.

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