I thought I’d share a few photos I’ve done recently. I had a great head shot session with Lisa. I really enjoy shooting actors. What’s not to like? They take direction, even the move-your-chin-up-slightly kinds of requests. They know how to give a great expression, a great smile. It makes my job easy and makes me look good!
When we were done with the serious part of the shoot, Lynne suggested we do some fun hair-flinging. Lisa was game, and this is one of the shots. I posted another one over on Facebook. I decided to have a little fun in post, too. I think she looks like she’s just loving life in this photo.
I’m continuing my personal project shooting dancers that I discussed in an earlier post (here). Michaela is quite passionate about dance and offered to be my ballet model. This is an interesting project for me. I have a rough idea going into a shoot of some of what I want, but the session just leads where it wants to go. After the session, I look through the images and select those that talk to me.
After flagging some, one will say “me first!” I’ll make some initial adjustments in Lightroom, then I bring it over to Photoshop and let it guide me. Sometimes I feel color is in the way, dropping the saturation maybe all the way to black and white.
And sometimes I start with a nearly monochrome image and see that bold color is what I want. I have worked on several images from Michaela’s session and have a few still to consider. Some of the images in the series have morphed a few times as I reexamine them. Artistic vision is like that, at least for me. Ever changing, not often satisfied.