A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

May 26, 2012

Four Plays for Coarse Actors

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 12:29 pm

This past week, I shot some promo photos for Rochester Civic Theatre’s next show, Four Plays for Coarse Actors. It’s not a show I’ve seen, but the premise involves a set of actors performing four different plays, and it sounds like it’s hilarious! The actors I know in the show all rave about it and are having a lot of fun with it. Greg is a terrific comedy director, so I’m certainly looking forward to the show.

Frankly, any show that has Nick in a jester’s head gear has my attention! The tech rehearsal was this morning, and hopefully it went well.

Promo shoots come around the time the Post-Bulletin sends their photographer over for a photo to accompany the pre-show article in the entertainment section. Sets and costumes are a ton of work, so at this point in the preparation, neither is really nearing completion. There was a nice set of costumes available this time, although I hear that there are many costume changes, many of them fast and furious.

The show opens this coming Friday. Lynne and I will have to miss another show opening – two in a row! I hope we’ll end that streak in the Fall for Kill Me Deadly. We do enjoy opening nights! We’ll be buying our tickets for a later show soon.

Meanwhile, I’ve begun a new personal photography project. Had a fun shoot with Chris and Jesse getting some good images to start my project. More shoots to come, and I’ll share more about the project in the future.

I’ll be thinking about my parents this Memorial Day and transcribing some of Mom’s letters to Dad during WWII this weekend. Hope you have a good and enjoyable holiday weekend!

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