A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

October 4, 2013

Announcing our fabulous Holiday Card Event

Filed under: General photography — Tony Drumm @ 2:55 pm


Holiday Card 4

Marann Faget and I are pleased to announce our super special, awesome holiday card event. This is the perfect event for folks – like you! – who really want to celebrate the holidays with a unique card. Lynne and I have been creating whacky and fun Christmas cards for years. People actually collect them and look forward to seeing what we do each year. I’ve been toying with the idea of offering something similar to others.

Holiday Card 1

Marann is a fabulous designer and costumer. I’m not sure how many people she has costumed over the years, but it has to be many hundreds – likely more than a thousand. When I’ve worked with Marann in the past, it was incredible to watch what she can do. You can find out more about Marann at her personal web site here and her shop’s web site here.

Holiday Card 2

Working together, we can offer you a fun experience and a set of cards that will bring a smile to your friends and family. We’ll be offering three kinds of cards in affordable packages that include use of the costume, working with Marann to make you look great – or funny, and a quick photo session where we’ll shoot several photos. You’ll select the one you want, and we’ll settle on a style you like. The session packages include 25 cards, but you can order more if needed.

There will also be a selection of gifts available to order including keepsake tree ornaments featuring your photo.

Holiday Card 3

I’m getting excited about the event. We’ve set aside only a few days to do these shoots (at Marann’s shop, Creative Costumes and Clothing, on 9th St NE, just off Broadway), so please don’t procrastinate! We want to make sure you have your cards and gifts in hand with plenty of time to send them out.

The event poster and contact information for booking your shoot is here. We’ll see you there!

Time is running out. Call Marann to set up your appointment today!
>>> 507-208-4440 <<<

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