My previous two posts showed a couple specially processed photos from the session I shot with these folks. They refer to themselves as Framily.
I thought I’d show a few more normal shots of the group. They had a lot of fun ideas – as you can tell from the earlier shots. Most are theatre folks, so as the photographer, part of my job is just get out of the way and work with what they give me.
And usually, that’s plenty. You can see how camera shy and reserved they are.
It makes the shoot a lot of fun. For me, anyway! I think they were enjoying the shoot, too.
I did some post work to clean up the background and help them stand out.
But they came dressed for the occasion, with black that worked well against the white background, and some other bold colors.
Gesture, being an important part of a photo, was not much concern for me.
All in all, it went well, we all enjoyed the shoot, and I think we have some decent images out of it. Hopefully, Becca and her framily will think so, too!