A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

November 11, 2012

Kem and Don

Filed under: General photography,Portraits — Tony Drumm @ 10:11 am

Kem is a fabulous actor and an amazing young woman. The last time I was fortunate enough to listen to her sing, I realized I had forgotten just how great her voice is.

A few months ago, I shot some boudoir-style shots of Kem for her. She wanted some photos for her then boyfriend, and now fiance. Kem’s face lights up the camera, even the viewfinder as I noticed while shooting Kem and Don’s engagement photos.

It was great to meet Don. The two of them play well together and look comfortable as a couple. Kem’s an actress, so she’s always willing to try things, to take some direction. Don was right there with her.

The weather for the day of the shoot was forecast to be cool (actually, a bit warm by Minnesota November standards) and cloudy. Cloudy was the forecast all week for that day, which means when it came, it was sunny. Not-a-cloud-in-the-sky sunny!

We deal with the light we’re given. Sunny meant the lighting approach would be a bit different. Lynne came along and helped by holding my big reflector. We shot a nice variety of photos. It was a fun session, and I’m honored they asked me to shoot their engagement pics!

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