White Christmas is one of those big musicals from the era when the American musical was an event more than just a story set to music. There are big song and dance numbers and a plot of sorts to hold it all together. You really attend a show like this, I think, to enjoy the musical performances. Not for the poignancy of Home Games, for instance.
As a Christmas show, it works really well. Folks are looking for good family entertainment in December as the Minnesota winter sets in. Last year, it was accompanied by tons of snow. This year for the reprise, not so much!
The lights and costumes provide lots of color to work with when photographing the show. But, the scale of the numbers means there are lots of shots you want to make really wide. Try to gather it all in. But that’s hard to do effectively. I’m torn – I want to show the scope of the numbers, but I also want to zoom in and focus on the main players. I want to show sisters Betty and Judy in their nightclub setting, and also show them up close and personal.
I just end up shooting them both ways. I think it works. See what I mean about the color? Hard to take a bad photo here.
There are plenty of fun moments, too. Can’t go wrong with having the guys do the Sisters number!
Some of the numbers are intimate which makes for interesting photos. I love the glance over the shoulder. A shot like this doesn’t need the context of the show. It works on its own telling its own story. If I can find one or two photos like this in a show shoot, I’m happy. You can see this moment still happens in a “club” with patrons, yet it’s still about these two people. It’s intimate in spite of the setting. The stage lighting helps for sure.
Yes, the two lovers get together in the end. Did I spoil it for you? I don’t think so. I regard shots like this as classic for this sort of story. Still, you need to make sure it looks right and meets the expectations. I think it’s a good photo and kind of nice. But the one above is the more interesting photo to me.
There are a couple huge numbers at the conclusion of the show. Back to the problem of capturing the size and scope of it. The costumes and all that red help. It gives some visual interest that pulls you in a bit. Trying to shoot it with drab costumes would be tougher.
As RCT prepares for the final weekend of the show, I hear it’s sold out for all four performances (counting the one happening as I write this). That’s incredible! It’s terrific for the theatre, it’s great for the cast and crew and orchestra who love performing in front of big crowds. And it’s great for the audiences. Big audiences are fun to be a part of, and live theatre is a treat. The calibre of our local performers really shines in a show like this.
Me? I’m just a photographer doing what I love and sharing it with whoever happens upon this modest blog!