Last Saturday, I took photos for Home Games, RCT’s latest production. This is a fast-paced play yet sort of intimate with a cast of only three actors. Those three have their work cut out for them, carrying the whole show. They do a wonderful job. When I saw the show on opening night, I was amazed at how quickly the first act was over.
RCT has the big production, well-known musicals like the upcoming encore of White Christmas. They also produce non-musicals that are widely known like those of Tennessee Williams.
Fortunately, they don’t rely only on those famous (and, now, somewhat aging) shows to fill their schedule. They also bring us some fabulous shows that we haven’t all heard of. And that’s good for theatre-goers. There’s a world of theatre and drama out there to be enjoyed and to broaden our vision and ourselves.
Shooting a show like Home Games with a box set and pretty minimal lighting effects is a bit straightforward. We still need to find good angles, especially as the director, Greg, likes to use the full stage for his blocking. It’s often brilliant blocking, but can challenge me in trying to tell a story with a still image.
Depth of field can be a friend helping to pull the main characters out from the background while still letting the person standing in the background, whose presence in the moment is in many ways no less important, exist in the shot. Visually, still present yet the relationship is evident.
Congratulations to the cast and crew (and Lynne who is stage managing the show)! It runs for one more weekend – there are still four opportunities to see it.
I’m happy again to be able to meld my art with theatre. Very fun!