After my great experience at Photoshop World last year in Las Vegas, I decided I was ready for another round of inspiration and education. Next week, I’m off to Sin City again, and I’m getting excited!
There are an amazing array of artists sharing their knowledge in classes that run all day for three days covering Photoshop, of course, but also other Creative Suite software, Lightroom, design, illustration, and – my favorite – tons of photography-related classes.
No less important are the other attendees. I can’t describe the energy in the air when so many creative people fill a convention center. I suspect photographers outnumber other artists, but it’s far from a photographers-only affair. I think that’s a good thing. Training from folks like Bert Monroy and Corey Barker, both among the PSW instructors, helped me create the wardrobe for the Narnia poster for RCT.
One of the things I came away with last year was the great diversity of approaches among the photographer-instructors. How they handle light, their visions. And yet, each makes fantastic photographs. It was eye-opening in a way. It’s that inspiration and the chance to focus almost exclusively on the creative process that makes this kind of gathering so valuable.
The conference is put on by Scott Kelby’s company, Kelby Media and the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, or NAPP. Scott has built an rather extensive ecosystem around Photoshop and photography training. He’s a great instructor, has written tons of best-selling books, and has surrounded himself with others just as amazing. He also plays a pretty mean guitar.
The days are long and packed full, but they are not all work, work, work. For one thing, there’s the Expo floor filled with vendors and products, the Westcott photo booth where they create sets and lighting and bring in models to shoot, and, of course, more training. And, there’s Midnight Madness. It’s a couple hours of just wacky goings-on and fun.
Yes, I’m getting excited. I know in a week, it will be over and my mind will be jammed packed, and I’ll be exhausted. But it’s the good kind of exhausted. The kind you know comes from diving into something you love. I can’t wait!