I spent most of Saturday morning into the early afternoon photographing gardens around town for the Pond and Garden Tour. Aside from the huge thunderstorm (and the pond I found myself and my car in!), it was fun and the rain added the nice little water droplets to everything. I’ll write more on that later.
When I was done shooting, I headed home for a quick shower then up to Zumbrota for the reception following Katie and Justin’s wedding. Lynne was there for the ceremony, and it sounds like it was great. Katie is big-time into theatre and the wedding was theatrical. Just a for instance: there was a program and they listed the cast!
I left my main camera bag in the car thinking I’d try to take a shot or two of the couple. They had the photography covered, so I wanted to try to get something maybe a touch different. I’d been shooting a ton already, so I wasn’t going to try to take a lot of pictures. I didn’t want to interfere with their photog, but he graciously allowed me to grab them for a few minutes.
Inspired by the work of Cliff Mautner, a fabulous wedding photographer, I used his “put the subject between the camera and the light” approach. I saw Cliff for the first time last year at Photoshop World. I was blown away by his images.
Katie and Justin are terrific subjects. I just told them where to stand, then asked them to be themselves. Yeah – actors, young, in love. What else do you need to do. I shot off a bunch of frames and said thank you very much.
Their expressions in the photo above say it all.
But this was my favorite. Congratulations, Katie and Justin. Have a great life together!