A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

October 3, 2010

Encore – RCT’s Annual Fundraiser

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 5:12 pm

Last night was the annual fundraiser at Rochester Civic Theatre. The event was called Encore, a Night On Off Broadway. Previous fundraisers have been done off-site, but this year it was at the theatre. They literally rolled out the red carpet and had many of the younger actors dressed as the paparazzi to line the carpet and greet the guests. I was there as, well, paparazzi?

I think the guests had fun and some played with it, like the woman here hiding her face from the cameras.

Sheila is a long-time supporter of the theatre and took on her celebrity-on-the-red-carpet role immediately. She played it up from end to end, smiling and waving and talking to the reporters. This is part of the fun of hanging out at the theatre. Folks are just not inhibited and will jump in without hesitation.

Naturally, there was plenty of entertainment beginning with the red carpet and going throughout the evening. Greg, Jerry, and Nick – a comedy improv team who are often helping out with fundraising for RCT and other theatres – were there in costume and in character as well as a host of other actors. Here Brad (on the right) joins in with Jerry and Nick.

After some terrific food – think true gourmet hors d’oeuvres – folks moved into the theatre itself for on-stage entertainment. Our comedy trio filled in with their horseplay between other acts.

A local group of belly dancers, the Blue Lotus Dancers, performed, and Nick came out to show how well he would do as a group member until the gorilla ran on stage to scatter everyone. Yes, there was a gorilla. Did I mention that?

I won’t try to explain this skit. Suffice it to say, it was memorable especially if you were sitting right up front like me. There was a glass of milk involved. That’s all I need to say. But I liked this photo and the fun, colorful costumes!

The evening officially ended with a live auction and a raffle drawing. Rachel Wick, a local TV news personality, was there the entire evening, and she was tasked with drawing the raffle tickets. She gave this little Vanna White moment after drawing the grand prize ticket.

Someone asked me, “don’t you ever get a night off?” while I was out shooting by the red carpet. Hah! Yes, I certainly could “take off” an evening and just relax. But, quite frankly, if you find me somewhere holding a camera, chances are I am relaxing. Making photographs, learning and expanding my vision with each shutter press, is something I treasure. I didn’t shoot the entire night. After everyone filed back out to the lobby, I put the Canon away and had a glass of Appleton rum.

Then, there was Lynne wearing Morgan’s bikini top over her dress. Me with no camera! “Lynne, where’s your camera? May I use it?”

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