RCT hosted an artist get-together on Friday evening. There was a nice turnout, and the musically inclined artists entertained us. While painters painted and singers sang, I pulled out the tools of my artistic trade and snapped a few shots.
The sun was getting low and there were some fairly thick clouds which fortunately held onto their moisture. So there was light, but I did boost it a bit with a flash set one or two stops below my exposure, and a yellow gel gave me a bit warmer color balance. There’s a hint of a shadow in the shot above that I’d rather not be there, but so it goes.
We were outside the theatre on the patio. Most of the folks sat, sipping wine or “patio punch” (not sure what all was in that!), and discussing life. But this woman was busy with her small paintings.
Mitch showed up along with his trap set. Mitch plays for Lost Faculties and said he just happened to have the set in his vehicle. I met Mitch when he served on RCT’s board of directors. He’s become something of a fixture in Rochester, and it was fun chatting with him. I’m reminded of all the years I played percussion back in elementary and high school. Playing in a band is a lot of fun, and they say drummers are sexy. Well, yeah, that’s what I’ve heard.
I’ve seen the owner of this arm other times at the theatre for musical and poetry events. His tattoos were intriguing, and I found this shot. I like the warmth of his arm and the warmth of the guitar. Tattoos mark his skin, but the guitar is pristine. Just seems interesting to me.
Mayor Brady stopped by. No matter your political leanings, Brady has been a huge supporter of the arts in Rochester. He’s a regular patron on RCT’s opening nights, and I wasn’t surprised to see him Friday night. I saw him again Saturday night at another theatre group’s production of Oliver. Gregory Stavrou, standing next to the mayor, is RCT’s executive director.
Like the photowalk last week, it’s fun to take the camera to other events and see what images find their way onto my memory cards. When shooting for yourself, it’s easier to experiment and just see what jumps out at you.
[…] July, I attended the Artists Happy Hour at RCT which I wrote about. I was intrigued by the forms, the guitar, the tattoos, the color. The fellow whose arm this […]
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