Last evening, I shot the show photos for RCT’s June production, Father of the Bride. The cast, director Greg Miller, and the crew have done a great job putting on a very funny show. And, I thoroughly enjoy seeing Lynne in her element with an outstanding performance. Maybe I’m biased, but she really is great.
Some of my other favorite actors – and friends – are in the show. It was my pleasure recording them on digital film for posterity. It’s always much fun mixing my artwork with theirs. After the show, we had a party at our house. Kenton, who plays the father, brought over a “wedding” sheet cake, so we had Brad and Lindsay do the honors. I’ve included a shot with them feeding each other cake. People have different takes on the shove-the-cake-in-your-partner’s-face maneuver, but I enjoy it. What can I say. Brad and Lindsay didn’t disappoint us.
It was fun shooting this show. Each show is a bit different. Some, like Snow White, have cool sets and dramatic lighting which is both challenging and enjoyable to shoot. I get to play with the lighting and try to express in pictures the mood of the show. This show had a simple box set and even lighting, but it had this wedding theme which reminded me of shooting a wedding.
We started right off with the big wedding party shot which put me in mind of a wedding shoot right away. I suppose wedding shoots would be easier if all the attendees were actors. I’ve been lucky to have actors as bride and groom and in the wedding party at weddings I’ve shot, and they can make the day pretty fun for everyone, including me as photog.
If you look through this sample of shots, check out the expressions. These folks are staging shots just for the camera, but they express the feelings of each scene splendidly. And sometimes, you’d never guess what they are saying as they pose! And now and then, Greg makes some goofy remark, and the serious expressions turn to laughter, and we wait for them to settle back in. But it’s good when everyone is having fun and feeling relaxed.