A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

April 1, 2010

Whitewater State Park in March

Filed under: Beautiful Earth,General photography — Tony Drumm @ 5:42 pm

Whitewater State Park (click for more photos)

We had a long winter with only a few days above freezing causing our snow from December 1 to last into March. Then, the skies dried up, the temperature warmed, and we had our first recorded March with no snow. Yesterday, the thermometer hit the 70s, so Lynne and I headed out to Whitewater State Park in the S2000. Top down, of course.

We didn’t hike, really, more strolled. I had my new camera along, fresh back from Canon service (another story), so I took a few photos. I love green and warmth and life. The lingering browns of winter don’t speak to me very loudly. But there were bits of green life springing forth here and there. There was the little waterfall testing how well I could hand-hold a slow shutter speed. There was the texture of the tree bark which changes little through the seasons. And, there was Lynne – always a great subject for me!

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